
ART. 13 OF THE 2016/679 GENERAL Data Protection Regulation


The data controller

This is to inform you that the data controller is LAV LEGA ANTI VIVISEZIONE (Italy's Anti-Vivisection League), Viale Regina Margherita 177, 00198 Rome, Italy (hereinafter, the “Association”).

Basic principles of the privacy policy

Personal data are processed directly by the data controller and are managed as a function of the type of relationship of association requested by the data subject. The data are processed solely for the purposes of the institutional goals of LAV, i.e.:

The data processing operations listed above are always subjected to specific security measures and are carried out exclusively by the Association, according to criteria correlated with the purposes for which the data have been collected, at the hands of internal data processors in charge of the various services associated with the foregoing purposes. The measures adopted by LAV for the protection of the integrity, completeness, confidentiality and availability of the data and for the prevention of accidental losses, damages and/or improper uses, conform to the applicable privacy regulations and concern organisational, technical and logistical aspects.

All the activities concerning data processing, e.g., sending informative material on paper by post, sending e-mails, sms messages, making telephone calls, or posting on social media, are carried out by means of traditional and electronic communication tools.

In connection with all the foregoing communication tools, the data are processed manually and electronically also through statistical analyses methods in which the data are used anonymously.

Cookies and how they are used

When users visit our website, cookies are used to determine who visits our site and how they use it (profiling) and to improve their navigation experience (technical cookies).

Accordingly, the cookies used by the LAV site (and associated sites) are:

Technical cookies: user consent is not required; these cookies are indispensable for the regular browsing and use of a website and are necessary to ensure secure and efficient navigation through the site.

Profiling cookies: user consent is required; these cookies create user profiles and may be used to send promotional messages based on a user’s navigation preferences for the promotional purposes of the Association.

The purpose of all these cookies is to improve a user’s experience navigating through a site, determine the total number of visitors in a continuative manner, monitor the way each user makes use of the information obtained from the site.

The cookies stored in a user’s computer can be disabled (and then restored) through the settings of the browser running on his/her computer. If a user has disabled one or more cookies, the information collected before the disabling may be used, but no further information may be collected after the user has manifested the intention to disable the cookie(s).

Who processes the data

The data may be made available to third parties that carry out data processing operations indispensable to the activities of the Association. These third parties act as independent data processors, only and exclusively to meet the requests of the data subject (e.g., bank / credit card data communicated to a bank to make a payment in connection with a donation, personal data disclosed to suppliers in charge of distributing the magazine of the Association or other materials on paper). The data may also be disclosed to third parties to whom the data must be communicated to comply with applicable law provisions and/or rules (administrative obligations to be met) or to organise and coordinate special initiatives promoted to communicate the activities of the Association. Personal data are not disclosed for any other purpose, and are certainly not disseminated outside the Association. LAV monitors continuously the activities commissioned to the aforementioned third parties, verifying the operations and the reliability thereof from the standpoint of privacy and confidentiality of the data.

As for the data supplied through its social networking pages (Facebook, Twitter, etc.…), LAV adopts all the appropriate measures available to it to guarantee correct processing methods; these measures are conditional on the nature of the instrument, its usability by the user and any privacy measures adopted directly by the data controller of the social network.

The consent to the processing of personal data is optional, but lacking this consent, the data controller cannot satisfy a request from the data subject to establish a relationship of association (e.g., donations, requests to adhere to the Association, etc.).

LAV puts in place all the actions necessary to protect the data of minors as provided for the applicable regulations.

The Association does not assume any responsibility for untruthful information supplied directly by a subject (e.g., biographical data, postal addressed, e-mail addresses), which might have consequences detrimental to unaware third parties. If any such incident were to occur, LAV would take immediate action to protect the privacy of the subjects concerned, possibly reserving the right to report such illicit activities to the authorities in charge.

The data are processed for the time period necessary to the relationship with the Association, to meet administrative, accounting and organisational obligations (e.g., member registration, donations, distance adoptions, signing up to receive the newsletter, signing a petition with prior specific consent to the processing of the data). The data processing period expires on 31 December 2025.

All data collection – and subsequent processing – operations are performed to pursue the purposes of the Association, for which, as mentioned above, the relationship with the subject concerned does not end with the payment of a fee or a donation, but is constantly renewed thanks to the attention and the support of each of the numerous awareness-raising campaigns carried out.

Bank data communicated by a subject for purposes of periodic or one-off payments are retained for the time necessary to ensure the successful conclusion of the transaction. In the case of bank data supplied inadvertently by unaware third parties resulting in unauthorised or fraudulent uses, LAV shall not be liable for such incidents, and should such an incident occur, LAV would take immediate action to protect the privacy of the subjects concerned, possibly reserving the right to report such fraudulent activities to the authorities in charge.

If the users give their consent to the processing of the data in connection the signing of a petition (on-line/on paper forms), its validity shall only last until the purposes of the petition and the Association have been met, and shall be determined by the response of the institutions to whom the petition has been submitted.

Rights of the users concerned

LAV guarantees to every subject concerned the possibility of exercising the rights provided for in Chapter III of the general regulation on data protection, and, namely, the rights:

Data subjects may exercise the aforementioned rights by contacting the data controller at the address given above, or writing to email address or to LAV Lega Anti Vivisezione, Viale Regina Margherita 177, 00198, Rome.